Conversations in Fetal Medicine

In conversation with Dr Elspeth Whitby

Conversations in Fetal Medicine Season 5 Episode 1

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Welcome to the first episode of season five of Conversations in Fetal Medicine, in conversation with Dr Elspeth Whitby

Dr Whitby is a senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield and an Honorary consultant at Sheffield teaching hospitals NHS trust. Her areas of interest are based around obstetric imaging with MRI including the fetus, the placenta and post mortem imaging. She runs a national service for fetal imaging for all body areas and for assessing for placental invasion.
Despite having an academic post her work has been driven by local need and
requests from the clinicians and is heavily clinically based. She is also part of the team that have established the world’s first clinical service for imaging the post mortem fetus and neonate based on the teams work.
In addition she works as part of a sociology team looking at the impact of MRI as
a technology on patient care in the clinical setting both for in utero and post
mortem imaging. The aim of this collaboration is to understand the landscape in
which she works and how that integrates with society. This has altered her
clinical practice in many ways, hopefully for the better.
Her service is streamlined and designed so appointments are available at short
notice but no appointment slots are unfilled. She tries to develop a ‘lean service’
model within the current working environment.
Outside work she prioritises the family but find time for doing traditional and
new crafts, running around the peak district with friends, aiming for brunch or
coffee and cake at the end of the run, and time in the garden, the greenhouse
acting as her sanctuary.

Podcast information:

We have not included any patient identifiable information, and this podcast is intended for professional education rather than patient information (although welcome anyone interested in the field to listen). Please get in touch with feedback or suggestions for future guests or topics:, or via Twitter (X) or Instagram via @fetalmedcast.

Music by Crowander ('Acoustic romance') used under creative commons licence. Podcast created, hosted and edited by Dr Jane Currie.